Women in Leadership: How to close the gap in the humanitarian sector?
Globally, only 31% of leadership roles are occupied by women. Besides, within the humanitarian field, gender parity is a long way off since women are still being underrepresented and have limited access to positions of leadership. Whether it is through entrepreneurship, skill training, or cultural change, how can we close this leadership gap in the humanitarian sector?
Traverse | Insights from Australian Red Cross creating, designing and ending a digital identity platform
Despite producing a blockchain and verificable credential-based web and mobile application, Australian Red Cross closed Traverse in 2021 when it encountered a number of critical challenges. Although Traverse was shut down, it provides important lessons for Red Cross and the wider humanitarian sector on the use of blockchain and verifiable credential technologies, and how the sector may approach developing and adopting innovative technologies more broadly.
How to fight ageism towards older adults
Ageism is a phenomenon which describes people that think, feel and act differently towards others, based on age. By 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be aged 60 years or over. Older adults often suffer age-related discrimination, which can also be self-directed. Here are some concrete initiatives that social sector organisations can get inspired from.
Mobile for Health: how can smartphones improve the answer to medical and social needs?
In May 2020, 48% of the 17 million general practice appointments made in the UK were carried out over the telephone according to the NHS. This shift away from the real-life meetings is a direct consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, but also reveals a trend that was already in practice prior to the crisis. In France, the number of teleconsultations has been multiplied by 40 between 2020 and 2021.
Climate change mitigation: how can we decarbonise social and humanitarian actions?
Because of its expertise in reducing disaster risk and vulnerability, Climate change adaptation is at the heart of the Red Cross Red Crescent mission. Nevertheless, mitigation is also a crucial item on the agenda of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement with what is called the ‘Green Response’.