Unima, securing blood diagnostic for everyone
With the aim of providing timely, affordable and geographically accessible medical diagnostic tests, Unima has developed Find, a technology platform that uses biotechnology and artificial intelligence.
Autofabricantes is a collaborative research project that aims to generate alternative solutions available in open source to empower children with malformation. The organisation strives for a world where inclusion comes true.
The ‘Free Health Cashback’ feature of Digital Healthcare Solutions (DH) enables various marginalised and people living under or close to the poverty line to access quality healthcare services with minimal cost. People can apply for cash against the Free Health Cashback using the Digital Hospital App or website through this feature. They simply need to upload images of relevant documents such as medical tests, treatment, prescriptions, etc., and get cash against expenditures (such as diagnostic tests, COVID-19 isolation, maternity costs, hospitalization) in their mobile wallet within a certain period.
EntamAR is an app that uses Augmented Reality to improve the daily lives of children with long-term stays in hospital. Through creative games using drawings and images, this interactive app enables the volunteers of Spanish Red Cross Youth to promote the creativity of children while supporting them in their different academic and leisure pursuits.
Aalia Technologies is a startup that offers a solution to the difficulties caused by language barriers in the medical environment. It has developed AaliaTech, a medical voice assistant that translates the practitioner's questions into the patient's native language, taking into account their medical and cultural context.