
Lebanese Red CrossWorking together

Children’s vision, empowering the youth to become agents of change

Children’s Vision is a program that was developed by the Youth sector volunteers, within the Lebanese Red Cross. Targeting one of the main needs in its community: overcoming difficulties as teenagers (such as social withdrawal, extreme stress, alcohol abuse, substance use, bullying, etc). Offering a Youth-Friendly space, through which they can develop their skills and acquire new information.

Photo: Headway
German Red CrossTech as a toolWorking together

Online Counseling System, the digitalisation of social services

The GRC-Online Counseling System allows professional consultants to provide advice and support to people seeking help in all fields of social work - no longer exclusively face-to-face in the counseling centers but (additionally or completely) online. It opens up a confidential digital communication room for social work which is equivalent to the existing meeting room in the counseling centers.

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