NANDO the AI sensor that measures your waste
ReLearn helps people, companies, and institutions choose a waste-free lifestyle by providing data and creating awareness.
The Mexican Red Cross (MRC) implemented a technological system that facilitates the collection, organisation and analysis of information on institutional management and intervention results. Its purpose is to generate an institutional culture of continuous improvement that responds to the problems and needs of the Mexican population and legitimises MRC’s intervention among interest groups.
Children’s Vision is a program that was developed by the Youth sector volunteers, within the Lebanese Red Cross. Targeting one of the main needs in its community: overcoming difficulties as teenagers (such as social withdrawal, extreme stress, alcohol abuse, substance use, bullying, etc). Offering a Youth-Friendly space, through which they can develop their skills and acquire new information.
Mobility for Africa locally assembles custom-built electric tricycles that run on li-ion battery packs, powered through solar-charging stations. These electric tricycles are aimed at all sectors of the community, including small scale farmers and women’s organisations. The tricycles have been particularly impactful when used by healthcare workers, where they have enabled improved access to health services.