At the Spanish Red Cross, innovation and technology play a fundamental role in its humanitarian action. Since 2006, the Red Cross Humanitarian Technology Awards have been given each year to the best ideas, prototypes or solutions that stand out for their creative and innovative nature in the application of new technologies, for the benefit of humanitarian action and disadvantaged groups.
The awards promote the consolidation of an ecosystem of collaboration and knowledge around technological innovation at the service of people.
The VII Edition of these awards will recognize three works in the following categories
– IMPACT | For its ability to transform the lives of the people who benefit from the solution.
– IMPULSE | For its potential for scalability within the target audience of the solution and its extension to other areas and groups.
– RED CROSS CATEGORY | The initiative is chosen among the works submitted by the teams of the Spanish Red Cross and other National Societies of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Works can be submitted regardless of their development: an idea, a prototype or already in the solution phase.
For each of the three categories, the prize is:
– Financial endowment of 4,000 euros
– A Committee of Experts will have a working session with each of the winners and will support them with mentoring or whatever each project requires.
– Visibility and promotion of the solution in the world’s largest volunteer movement and its partners.
– Commemorative statuette
To access to the terms and conditions of the award please click here and it is possible to apply until October 14, 2022 through the following form or sending your proposal to the mail: tecnologiahumanitaria@cruzroja.es
We encourage you to know the winners of last year 2021, who received the award at the Mobile World Congress.

The Jury of the awards consists of professionals from the Spanish Red Cross and collaborating entities: Capgemini, EITHealth, GSMA Mobile World Capital, IBM, Nesplora, University of Zaragoza, Vodafone and MujeresTech. Following the announcement of the winners, an Expert Committee has been activated and is advising the winners on various topics to help drive and deploy their work, creating a new and growing ecosystem of innovation and humanitarian technology.