Kumamoto Hospital launched a zero-emission hydrogen ambulance
Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital and Toyota Motor Corporation begin demonstration testing of the world's first fuel cell electric mobile clinic.
TECSOS links the social experience of the Spanish Red Cross with the technological excellence of Spanish Vodafone Foundation, with the aim of addressing social needs through innovative Information and Communication Technologies.
The Red Cross App is a technological tool that aims to mobilise society against vulnerability. On its app, the Spanish Red Cross proposes several humanitarian missions anyone can participate in. It is useful to encourage people to commit and to increase the organisation’s means.
Aalia Technologies is a startup that offers a solution to the difficulties caused by language barriers in the medical environment. It has developed AaliaTech, a medical voice assistant that translates the practitioner's questions into the patient's native language, taking into account their medical and cultural context.
Arbitryum is a digital platform that collects and analyses data from a wide variety of stakeholders (managers, employees, carers, etc.) in care homes for the elderly with the aim to improve the quality of life of their residents.