Day 1 | Workshops & presentations 🚀
@ 21, the social innovation accelerator of the French Red Cross
Campus Croix-Rouge | 21 rue de la Vanne, Montrouge – Paris
Time | Organisation | Title | Description | |
08:45 | Arrival at 21 | |||
09:00 | Welcome to Paris! | French Red Cross | Coffee time & Introduction to the event | Welcoming note by the French Red Cross International Innovation team |
09:05 | Chapter 1 | Social Entrepreneurship | French Red Cross | 21, the Social Innovation Accelerator of the FRC | 21 is the Social Innovation Accelerator of the French Red Cross. Its hosts a set of support programs for employees, volunteers and external entrepreneurs interested in building impact-driven initiatives. Since its creation in 2019, 21 has supported 70 social entrepreneurs. 10-min presentation by Chloe Gelin |
09:15 | British Red Cross | Leaps and grounds | Founded in 2021, Leaps & Grounds is a speciality coffee social enterprise from the British Red Cross supporting refugee women to take steps towards their dream careers. 15-min presentation by Leora Fiedland | |
09:30 | Austrian Red Cross | REDpreneur | REDpreneur is the first-of-its-kind global incubation and acceleration program of the Austrian Red Cross (AutRC) to support the development of business skills and innovative impact driven enterprises in Red Cross core services. In this session AutRC will be sharing insights from the completed pilot and all details on how to be part of the upcoming REDpreneur 2.0 programme. 20-min presentation by Elin Baranyai-Ulvestad | |
10:00 | French Red Cross | Foresight | Living in 2030 | 30-min immersive experience in 2030! | |
10:30 | French Red Cross | Welcoming speech from Philippe da Costa | Welcoming note from the President of the French Red Cross | |
10:50 | French & Kenya Red Cross | Women Social Entrepreneurship Institute | Founded by the Kenyan and the French Red Cross, the Women Social Entrepreneurship Institute (WSEI) is a comprehensive program that aims to empower and support 20 women in the Coastal region of Kenya through social entrepreneurship. Founded by the Kenya Red Cross Society and the French Red Cross, the WSEI supports 20 women through a 6-month incubation program to help them grow from informal entrepreneurship to sustainable income generation. 20-min presentation by Hélène Delaplace and Priyanka Patel | |
11:10 | Belarus Red Cross | Supporting migrants through entrepreneurship | Belarus Red Cross will share the experience in supporting migrants in their socialization and employment in Belarus through the developing of mini business initiatives with the support of international partners (IFRC, ICRC, Swiss Red Cross, UNHCR and UNDP). We will share the information about most relevant activities among migrants in Belarus and the ways to be self-employed. We will share the information about several projects which were and are aimed to help migrants to realize themselves and to find a job in Belarus realizing their business ideas. 15-min presentation by Ina Lemiasheyskaya and Olga Isakova | |
11:30 | Coffee Break | |||
11:40 | Chapter 2 | Innovative Finance | Humanitarian Innovative Finance Hub hosted by the Danish Red Cross | Blended finance background | The Danish Red Cross has been working for some years now with different blended finance initiatives. They will facilitate a frank and stimulating discussion on blended finance as one potential solution to bridge the both famous and dreaded funding gap. You do not need to be a financing expert to participate in this discussion, where they will first of all share their experience working on blended finance projects in DRC and how blended finance has challenged and keeps on challenging their working modalities, self-perception and role in the society. 10-min presentation by Line Thaudahl Jakobson |
11:50 | Danish & Austrian Red Cross | Humanitarian Health Fund | This century has produced amazing technological health progresses. Unfortunately, they barely ever reach the people we work for. Indeed, half of the world´s population still lacks access to quality primary health care services. What can we do as the RC/RC movement to ensure that health progresses are for all? In this session, you will hear of Danish Red Cross newest initiative, the Humanitarian Health Fund. Join us for a discussion on Red Cross as a potential impact investor. 10-min presentation by Virginie Morlet and Lisbeth Zacho | |
12:00 | Yunus Social Business | Yunus Social Business | Yunus Social Business was co-founded by Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus and finances and grows social businesses in East Africa, Latin America and India to tackle poverty and the climate crisis. In addition, YSB brings corporate purpose to life by co-creating new social business ventures, and helping corporations collaborate with innovative social businesses. 10-min presentation by Lorelei Logel Demoulin | |
12:20 | British & French Red Cross | The Giving block & How blockchain can possibly improve humanitarian action | Blockchain technologies have been promoted as possible future innovations in the humanitarian sector. However, its lack of legal framework, carbon emissions, and other possible risks, raise a controversial debate on the implications of this technological transition within the sector. 10-min presentation by Celia Scruby 10-min presentation by Giulio Zucchini | |
12:45 | Lunch Break | |||
14:00 | Chapter 3 | Social and Digital Innovation | International Committee of the Red Cross | Innovation at the ICRC | Leveraging Climate, Social, and Technological Innovations for Humanitarian Assistance and Protection. 20-min presentation around innovation at the ICRC by Mima Stojanovic, Melissa KIEHL and Nan Buzard |
14:20 | American Red Cross | American Red Cross’s Innovation Journey | Introduction to the technology led innovation work being done at the American Red Cross. 15-min presentation by Sajit Joseph | |
14:40 | Kenya Red Cross | Fablab & lowtech | Skills development and providing access to modern technology empowers marginalized communities with capacity to ideate and build solutions to their contextual challenges while keeping the youth productively engaged. 15-min presentation by Derrick Mugasia | |
15:00 | Japanese Red Cross | Kumamoto hospital & open innovation | In hospital management, hospitals are often compared to a small society where various social challenges emerge together. By taking advantage of this unique environment, the Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital has been functioning as an open innovation hub for humanitarian technologies such as the world first hydrogen ambulance, the medical cargo drone, the movable flush toilet, and the mobile apps to support tsunami evacuation. In particular, the zero-emission hydrogen ambulance with external power supply function contributes to the both efforts for adaptation and mitigation in the climate change. 15-min presentation by Yasuhiro Soshino | |
15:20 | Spanish Red Cross | Compensa: How to use technology to offset CO2 emissions | The main objective of the +CO(mpensa)2 platform is to make the Spanish Red Cross’ carbon footprint offsetting process more efficient. This tool enables the centralization of documentation associated with ecosystem restoration and emissions offsetting projects, together with a monitored follow-up thanks to photogrammetry obtained through drone flights. 15-min presentation by Sara Casas Osorio | |
15:30 | German Red Cross | Creating a digital support platform for young people | Corona, war, climate catastrophe & fear of the future – as the problems increase, so does the need for targeted, professional and trustworthy support for young people. For this reason, the German Red Cross is creating a digital support platform for this specific target group. In close collaboration with young people, social workers and local branch representatives, they are developing a tool that supports young people through anonymous chat counseling. At the same time, they will create a unique support structure run by peers. 10-min presentation by Luise Springer | |
15:40 | German Red Cross | The German Red Cross‘ Digital Checks | To support the local branches‘ transformation efforts, the German Red Cross has developped a digital assessment tool that asses the maturity level of their digitalisation and provides recommendations for actions. The assessemnt tool has been adapted to other transformational initiatives such as digital transformation of kindergardens, diversity and GRC Strategy 2030. 10-min presentation by Marion Doßner | |
15:50 | Global First Aid Reference Centre | First aid in the digital era | Presenting the new First Aid App with its new features and other digital tools (e-learning, games, AR) 15-min presentation by Sendy Veerabadren and Bassinte Ossama | |
16:00 Break | ||||
16:10 | Hungary Red Cross | Migrants and entrepreneurship | The Hungary Red Cross has a project that provides vocational traing to vulnerable women incl. Ukrainian refugees and part of them to become enterprenaurs. It is financed by the Coca Cola Foundation. It’ll be started in January, so by May we won’t have enterpreneurs yet, but we’ll have some experience on the process. 10-min presentation by Judit Waller-Fekete | |
16:20 | Italian Red Cross | Red Cloud | New tools to capitalise on knowledge and promote learning and development within complex organizational contexts: the experience and challenges of RedCloud platform. 10-min presentation by Andrea Fontana and Gaia Nati | |
16:30 | Lebanese Red Cross | Our Village’s Treasure | A role play game about social cohesion intended to sensitize young people and educate them about humanitarian principles and values that foster respect for diversity and mutual understanding. 10-min presentation by Miriana Bader | |
16:45 | Iraqi Red Crescent | How the Iraqi Red Crescent involved the community and its volunteers in the strategic planning | With the goal to better understand the needs of the communities, volunteers of the Iraqi Red Crescent are involved in the planning process through a digital application. This allows them to have a practical fellowship and collect specific data from their communities where they have carried out IRC’s activities. By collecting and analysing specific data from the targeted communities, the IRC is able to provide annual plans that enhance the effectiveness of the responses in compliance with the IRC’s strategy, and reinforces the acceptance of the IRC within the society. 10-min presentation by Mr. Sadeq Nezar | |
17:00 | Break at the hotel |
Drinks & Dinner 🎉
Day 2 | Learning expedition @Change Now 🌎 🌍
Champ de Mars | 2 Pl. Joffre, 75007 Paris
Get to meet with startups, social entrepreneurs, investors and journalists from over the world engaged in social entrepreneurship. The Red Cross activities will be exposed with a booth dedicated to innovative solutions.
1 | Ibis Hotel
33 Rue Barbès – 92120 Montrouge
Metro | Line 4 . Mairie de Montrouge
RER B | Gentilly
* This hotel is located next to the Campus Croix-Rouge.
2 | Hotel des Deux Continents
25 Rue Jacob – 75006 Paris
Metro | Line 4 . Saint-Germain des Prés
* Located in Saint-Germain district, in the heart of Paris.