Susana Pales
The 100 Voices platform is an initiative highlighting and celebrating the efforts and contributions of women to the successes and progress of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. The platform works as a digital history book featuring brave, dedicated, and inspiring women. It provides a history of the RCRC Movement that highlights the contributions of women since the battle of Solferino until present day.
The 100 Voices platform is available at www.glowred.org. It gathers portraits of Red Cross Red Crescent women from all over the world, working on local and global levels, in all contexts from those affected by war and conflict to natural disasters. The aim is to give a nuanced image of what women can do and have done throughout the history of the RCRC Movement. The project is meant to challenge the stereotypical image of a humanitarian, who are often portrayed as white male delegates from the Global North. The 100 Voices platform portrays a diversity of women from different backgrounds throughout the history of the RCRC Movement.
All Movement Partners (National Societies, the IFRC and ICRC) are welcome to nominate women who they think should be featured on the platform, based on their contributions and commitments to the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. GLOW Red is always looking to feature a diverse range of stories, from all parts of the world on both local and global levels. The 100 voices platform is available at www.glowred.org in English, Spanish, French and Arabic.
The 100 voices platform was launched in 2019 at the Statutory Meetings in Geneva by GLOW Red, the Global Network of Women Leaders in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. That same year the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent societies celebrated 100 years since its inception.
While reviewing the history books and persons featured throughout the history of the RCRC Movement, it became evident that very few of them were women, even though women have played a pivotal role in the Movement´s history and success. This is neither accurate nor representative. GLOW Red knows that representation matters. In order for young women to reach leadership positions throughout the RCRC Movement, young leaders need to see women in positions of power. GLOW Red decided that the stories of important women throughout the RCRC Movement needed a place to be highlighted and brought forward, and the 100 Voices platform was born.
Technical details & Operations
The 100 Voices Platform is maintained by GLOW Red. All Movement Partners are invited to nominate individuals in the Movement language of their choice. Movement Partners are provided with a template for their nomination. The platform lives on GLOW Red’s website, glowred.org, and Voices are shared on GLOW Red’s social media when they are published.
Deployment & Impact
The 100 Voices Platform was officially launched at the 2019 Statutory Meetings with a RED Talk (side-event during the Conference) with over 100 individuals in attendance. GLOW Red also had a booth at the Humanitarian Village where hundreds of individuals visited to learn more about GLOW Red. At the booth, visitors were also invited to nominate a female colleague for the 100 Voices project to be featured on the platform.
The 100 Voices platform is being updated on a constant basis. Voices continue to be added on an annual basis every International Women’s Day and are also shared on GLOW’s social media.