
PRCS Store - Alice Piaggio
Income-Generating ActivityWorking together

Disability and handicrafts: the Palestinian Red Crescent’s solidarity shop

The PRCS Store Initiative's in Hebron represents a pioneering step towards achieving sustainable development and empowering individuals with disabilities and the youth in the community. This initiative embodies a clear humanitarian vision, supported by the Danish Red Cross. The store's primary aim is to raise awareness about products made by people with disabilities in the Hebron region, and in Palestine as a whole, by providing a platform to showcase and sell these exceptional products.

Lebanese Red CrossWorking together

Children’s vision, empowering the youth to become agents of change

Children’s Vision is a program that was developed by the Youth sector volunteers, within the Lebanese Red Cross. Targeting one of the main needs in its community: overcoming difficulties as teenagers (such as social withdrawal, extreme stress, alcohol abuse, substance use, bullying, etc). Offering a Youth-Friendly space, through which they can develop their skills and acquire new information.

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