
Tech as a toolWorking together

How to reconnect family members separated by humanitarian crises

The Trace the Face website is the result of an initiative led by a number of European National Societies, developed with the technical support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva. It aims to help people in migration situations to re-establish contact with their relatives from whom they have been separated as a result of conflict, natural disaster, international migration or humanitarian crisis. Trace The Face is a virtual photo gallery of people searching for one or more family members

Pau Gasol
Kenyan Red Cross Society & Uganda Red Cross SocietyTech as a tool

Digital Identities (DIGID) : the digital wallet for refugees

The Dignified Identity solution is aimed at creating digital wallets for refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people to provide credentials and eligibility for humanitarian aid assistance in Cash and Continuity of Healthcare. The solution was piloted in Uganda with the Uganda Red Cross Society and in Kenya with the Kenya Red Cross Society. Currently, the solution is being implemented in Kenya as a scale-up in the NCD in crises project funded by the Norvo-Disk Foundation through the Danish Red Cross.

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